Deniz Lopez

Poeta & Co-Founder All Real Radio LLC

deniz 'dee!colonize' Lopez is Xicana artist & activist, born and raised in Denver Harbor- Houston, who has held position or collaborated with such organizations as MECHA, The Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement, The Word Around Town Poetry Tour, Creative Women Unite, and Voices Breaking Boundaries to bring a message of revolution, self-sustainability, & community consciousness to the forefront. The themes of her artistry include the abolition of the death penalty, an end to police brutality, empowerment of women, immigration rights, black/brown unity, Indigenous culture & history, and self mastery.

Deniz has begun to use her extensive knowledge of community organization, administration, communication, and mentoring to become a creative consultant to many organizations, businesses, and artists to help them refine their arts.

At present, she is a founding member & owner of All Real Radio LLC, where the mission is to make the world better by creating a portal to great music and relevant social commentary, and by facilitating a space for community events & awareness.


Aligning Pillar Sponsor


All Real Radio LLC - All Real Radio informs, educates, and entertains socially responsible, diverse individuals worldwide through advanced video and audio technology and high quality programming. Through our work, we serve as a platform for artists and musicians by cultivating Houston as a hub for future creatives.


Theresa Parker


Elisa Beagle