Martin Simms

Neurosequential Trauma Recovery Expert

Martin Simms is the Founder of Thrive Elite Academy, where they cultivate Therapeutic experiences through Sports & Exercise.

After witnessing the tragic heart attack death of his 33 year old neighbor at 14 while playing basketball at his house, being able navigate school work & sports proved to be an impossible task. Trauma impacted his life early, & shaped everything that followed. 

Struggling to make sense of what he witnessed throughout young adulthood, he turned to the gym as his profession. His motivation was to help prevent future heart attacks, but he found that the emotional & psychological barriers had as much to do with his clients being unhealthy as their diet or lack of exercise.

He started studying the brain. He studied with world-renown Dr. Bruce Perry on how childhood traumas can linger for life & started implementing the Neurosequential Model into Youth Sports & Exercise Programs. His program was nominated by the Jr. NBA for 2021 Program of the Year in its 1st year for the focus on maintaining the participants Mental Health at the beginning of the Pandemic.


We Thrive Foundation - We provide resources, opportunities, & relief to at-risk kids, underserved families, & homeless veterans. 

We offer consulting for youth sports & exercise organizations to implement neuroscience-based trauma recovery treatment to their programs.


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Corlisa Hockless