Sierra McClain


Sierra McClain-Henry is the owner of Sankofa Mama Birth Services, offering both traditional and virtual full-spectrum doula support and parent education. Also known as “The Doula’s Doula,” she is a business mentor for other birth workers seeking to make their mark and pursue their passion in the birthing world. Sierra is a student midwife, community organizer, activist, speaker and published writer, utilizing her platform to advocate for, engage with and serve women and mothers. She fights on behalf of underserved communities on the fronts of reproductive justice, maternal mental health and birth equity. Beyond her life’s work, Sierra is a homeschooling mother of two and a native Houstonian.

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Sankofa Mama Birth Services

Sankofa Mama Birth Services offers full-spectrum doula support and education for families preparing to welcome their babies earthside. Through the Business School for Doulas program, founder Sierra Sankofa also serves as an educator and mentor for other birth workers seeking to make their mark and pursue their passion in the birthing world.



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